Tuesday, March 29, 2022

'Castle Rock' Season 2, Episode 8: 'Dirty'


It's been quite some time since we last dove into this series.  There's only a handful of episodes remaining, so it seems like we should finally try to wrap this up. 

This episode consists of two plots, which both consist of a character being pursued by cultists.  The first is Annie, who tries to escape after she and Joy are taken in.  She has no knowledge of the upcoming ritual, but she does know that she and Joy need to get out.  This is spurred in part, by hallucinations that come about due to Ace giving her fake meds so that her real ones can't hinder the transfer.  

Oddly enough, the hallucinations are oddly helpful.  By and large, they point her in the right direction.  That is until the end when Annie is almost coaxed into attempting another murder/suicide.   Just as she did when she was a baby, Joy brings Annie back to reality.  It was a tense and heartwarming scene.

Annie doesn't get to deliver any grand declarations of protection, but she does step up in her escape attempts.  Taking her off her meds proves to be a bad idea as she is able to take down a couple of cultists before reuniting with her daughter.

Speaking of Joy, the cult redirects its intent towards her.  The art excuse is a little flimsy, but they needed something to spur the shift.  Although if Augustin's soul is in Ace's body and his lover's is in Joy's....yeah, let's not go there.

Meanwhile, Nadia has to contend with a possessed Chris, who is dispatched to kill her.  Given that she is one of the few people left in town it makes sense.  They're not making the same mistake the Tommyknockers made.  Oddly enough, they make no attempt to bring her to the statue.  You'd think having another citizen under their thrall would be beneficial, but then again, the hypnotized townsfolk either stand around and gawk or wander around aimlessly. It wasn't without its creepy factor and it did kind of remind me of the final episodes of the second season of "Cloak and Dagger", so that was oddly amusing to me.

Nadia is able to temporarily bring Chris back through the use of Haldol, which she utilizes after getting the impression that Chris was suffering from a psychotic break.  It wears off quick, and even with it, Chris has to struggle to hold onto himself, so it isn't a total fix, but it does enable to him to nobly sacrifice himself to save her from two other cultists who had also been sent out for "clean up". 

I think if Chris had gotten more time, this would have packed more of a punch..or maybe I shouldn't wait months before I watch the subsequent episode.  Despite Nadia's anguished scream, I wasn't all that blown away.  

This sub-plot does still deliver some good tension before, so it's hardly a dud on that front.

All in all, this episode's OK.  The show's delivered better, but this did set some things up and it did keep me engaged.  Both Nadia and Annie get shining moments and the episode has a pretty solid cliffhanger ending.  

Just two episodes remaining.  Hopefully, I can finish this off this year.

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