Wednesday, July 19, 2023

'Attack on Titan' Season 3, Episode 7: 'Wish'


This episode picks up with the scouts storming the caverns in their attempt to free Eren.  It's a pretty glorious action sequence as the team uses tactics and teamwork to gain the upper hand against Kenny's forces and maintain them for a majority of the fight.

Even the fact that their adversaries are now human doesn't seem to deter them the way it did before.  They're all ticked off and want some payback.  

The tide does start to turn when Kenny himself shows up.  He and Levi have another showdown where the two appear to be evenly matched.  

In the ruckus, Hange is...killed, I think? At the very least, she's severely injured.  I'm guessing the next episode will provide a more clear cut explanation of how that panned out.  

Despite the scouts' best efforts, their enemies are able to escape and put down a barrier to keep them from making chase.  

From there, the episode jumps back to Eren and his captors.  Rod, Historia's father, goes on to say that her sister is alive, sort of.  The way he worded it, I was almost sure, they were going to go a "Princess Bride", "only mostly dead" route, but instead, he says that Freida lives on via memory and that he can restore those memories by turning her into a titan. 

More specifically, he wants Historia to eat Eren so that she can regain the family power to control titans that Eren's father stole from them back when he killed Freida, along with most of the other family members.  He says that only their family can use the power and the fact that it was stolen is why everything has gone awry in the world.  Historia herself seems rather eager to do it.  Apparently, there's no sense of loyalty on her part.  If eating Eren is what she has to do, that's what she's going to do. 

My first impulse was to think that he was just lying, but Kenny the Ripper shows up, outraged that no one outside the bloodline can take the power.  He, rather nonchalantly, reveals that he himself is a titan and that he wanted to be the one to claim it.

Since he can't, he decides to give Eren a gash on his forehead in the hopes of triggering a transformation.  In his mind, this will at least make it a fair fight and provide some degree of spectacle.

While this showdown never comes to fruition, it still gets pretty intense.  Eren decides to throw in the towel out of guilt, but then Historia turns on her father and goes to free Eren out of spite.  She even goes on to declare that she doesn't care if the titans do wipe out humanity; she's done with everybody's crap.  It's a pretty jarring shift as she had been a pretty sweet kid up until this point.  I don't know if this is a full heel turn or if she's just venting, I guess we'll have to wait and find out.

The episode ends on a big cliffhanger as Rod himself decides to ingest some of the serum to become a titan.

I really enjoyed this episode.  It was well balanced, providing rousing action, as well as compelling character bits.  If the season had started off this strong, I probably wouldn't have taken a multi-year hiatus.  On the plus side, it does make me glad I made the effort to get back into it, as things really seem to be kicking into high gear.

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