Sunday, July 2, 2023

'Iron Fist' Season 2, Episode 8: 'Citadel on the Edge of Vengeance'


The final battle between Danny and Davos looms just over the horizon.  As such, both parties begin preparations.  Danny and Colleen train so that Danny can get back into shape while Davos trains his recruits.

Interestingly, Danny's training is just as much mental as it is physical.  Colleen knows that Danny's connection to Davos is a "blind spot" and she also knows that Danny can get a little hot-headed.  She takes considerable time and effort to remedy these so that Danny will be properly equipped to face the oncoming challenge.

For people who don't care for Danny, I'm sure you'll like having his flaws laid out like that.  It would have been nice to see this be a more gradual growth rather than something that is shoved into one episode near the end of the show's run. Sadly, we won't get a third season to see how the development pays off, but that's just how the cards are dealt sometimes.

While Colleen's training gets rough, it's a cakewalk compared to Davos, who takes more of a Cobra Kai approach to training.  He almost quotes that dojo's mantra, it's not quite verbatim, but he's definitely carrying that spirit with him in his approach.

Joy does try to appeal to his better nature and convinces him to try and present a kinder face so that the city will embrace him rather than brand him a crazed criminal.  She does raise a good point, even if she is just playing him to stall.  Again, though, there was an opportunity to allude to other heroes and the script doesn't do it.  Even if they don't want to mention the Avengers, you'd think that Daredevil, Luke Cage, or the Punisher could be brought up as examples for Joy to help make her point.  I guess it's moot as his effort doesn't really go according to plan and he scraps it almost immediately.  If anything, the effort seems to make him crazier.  

On a similar note, Walker has a pretty stunning revelation after viewing the video that Mary left for her.  It turns out that Mary thought that Walker got her out of that Sokovian prison, which to be fair is a safe assumption given Walker's combat prowess.  Walker, on the other hand, thought that Mary was able sweet talk other people into getting them out.  As neither is true, it means that there is a third "alter" in there somewhere.  

I'm not sure if we'll get to see the third persona in action.  There's only two episodes left, but it's possible.  It would be a shame to throw that out there and never get the chance to utilize the plot point.  The same goes for all of the gangs deciding to band together to take down Davos.  Danny's convinced it's a suicide mission, but I think it'll make for a big and exciting showdown to precede the one between Danny and Davos.

This was a solid episode.  There were several strong character moments and the plot advanced on several fronts.  There was no big action beat to close out the episode, but the sparring match between Danny and Colleen was well done enough that it satisfied on that front.

I'm not sure about Danny's assertion that Colleen should be the one to take the power of the fist.  I know viewers have been clamoring for this for a while, so maybe the writers were trying to appease viewers on that front.  In universe, it is a little weird considering that Colleen has repeatedly said that she wants to walk away from that life.  This seems to be doing the opposite.  I mean, training Danny is one thing, but inheriting the mantle of a superhero is another beast entirely.  We'll see how things play out though.

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