Sunday, July 16, 2023

'Iron Fist' Season 2, Episode 9: 'War Without End'


We've come to the show's penultimate episode.  While things do appear to be gearing up for a big showdown, the first issue at hand is whether or not Colleen accepts the fist.

Initially, she doesn't.  Danny tries to convince her that it's the right move, even taking her to that abandoned closet that he went to in the premiere to whale on things.  It was nice to give that scene some more context and show what Danny was really going through.  I kind of feel like it should have been brought up before, but better late than never.  Nevertheless, Colleen declines, saying that Danny is the Iron Fist.

On other fronts, everybody is gearing up to take down Davos.   The two gangs have formed an alliance, Misty was able to acquire a task force, and Walker and Ward buy some firepower of their own.  It would have been awesome to see all these forces converge to take down Davos, but alas, that big showdown never happens, and it falls to Danny and Colleen to end things.

On the plus side, we do get to see Turk again.  That's always fun.  Another highlight is Walker completely ignoring Ward's talk about his father being "repeatedly undead".  It wouldn't surprise me to find out that she didn't care, but at the same time, you could see it as a subtle nod to the fact that this does take place in the MCU and stuff like that is just par for the course at this point.

The climax isn't without its highlights.  Danny does come out with the win, with some help from some a stash of neighborhood narcotics.  It doesn't take him nearly as long to down Davos as it did back in K'un L'un, so props there.  Even Davos' attempts to use his fist come up empty, as Danny is able to counter and deflect before any damage can be done.

The more impressive fight, though, is Colleen vs the gang of kids whom Davos had taken on as disciples.  Considering they're relative novices, they don't do terribly, but Colleen is still able to down them all with little trouble.  

The confrontation serves not only to provide a cool action scene, but to give Colleen a prompt to change her mind and ultimately take on the mantle of the Iron Fist.  

While Davos is sedated, you have to figure that he's going to wake up before the ritual's done.  There's still an episode left, after all.  It happened later than I expected, but sure enough, he does.  We see that he uses the power of the fist to break himself out of his bonds, but the episode's real kicker comes when Colleen reveals that she has fist power of her own.  I guess it makes sense, as the ritual wasn't completed, but you'd think it would be an all or nothing deal, not a 50/50 split.  

Next episode will be the big finale, then it'll be on to Daredevil season 3.  Who knows?  I might actually make it to the Disney+ era of MCU shows before the year is up.

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