Sunday, August 17, 2014

Daily Dose of Awesome: ES Posthumus

Some time ago, I stumbled onto a group called E.S Posthumus. I came across the music via Linkara's 2010 trailer for his Internet review show, Atop the Fourth Wall. The track that plays during the latter half is a song by the band called Pompeii.

Having had my mind blown by the epic awesomeness of that song, I decided to check out some other tracks. I was surprised to find out that Cold Case used one track as the basis for its theme song. While the other songs I came across weren't quite as amazing as Pompeii, they do make some awesome music.

I'm always looking to expand my musical library and I find that instrumental music is extraordinarily effective in getting me going. This is especially true when I'm writing fiction. If you're an aspiring novelist or short story writer, I highly recommend this group as it is very conducive to writing. If the genre suits the song than you can achieve that rare mental state where everything just clicks and the words flow at an increased rate due to your own excitement. I love when that happens.

A lot of the band's music has been used in movie trailers and you can tell that it has that movie trailer track feel to it. Listen to a song like Ebla and you'll see how easily their music could work in the context of a movie preview.

I will say that it might not appeal to everyone. I've always enjoyed listening to movie scores in addition to the more traditional musical fare, so it makes sense that I would really dig this group. That isn't the case for everyone. Even so, I recommend checking the group out. I'm certain that, at the very least, you will find a handful of songs that you really dig even if it is outside your usual genre.

They have released two albums. Their debut album was called Unearthed. It was originally released through CDBaby, but met with such great success that it saw a mainstream release. Looking at the track list, you'll notice that they are all named after ancient cities. This was a very deliberate move on the part of the group as it ties into a theme in regards to their name.

Their second album was released in 2007. It is a 2 cd set called Cartographer. The second disc contains remixes of all of the songs on the first disc as well as a couple of other tracks.

My two personal favorites are Pompeii and Ebla and those are the ones that I would deem "must hears" This is a group that deserves more exposure as they are quite awesome. Definitely check em out.

You can read my review of Pompeii here.


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