Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Worst Diet Plan Ever

*Originally published on 1/16/13

A lot of people are concerned about their weight. For many people, the new year brings a resolution to shed a certain amount of pounds. People all around us have suggestions for what you should do: drop carbs, drop soda, go vegan etc. etc. However, while having ideas of what to do are all well and good, it’s important to know what you shouldn’t do. Because of this, we should take a look at one of the worst diet plans out there, if not the worst. 
Now, you may be thinking that this will be something obvious like an “all Oreo cookies” diet or “all meat lovers pizza” diet, but that isn’t the case. This plan will, in fact, cause you to lose a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time. Does it sound too good to be true? Well, it may be. 
The plan is really quite simple. All you have to do is consume nothing but water for four days straight. You won’t starve, heck, if you drink enough water, you won’t even feel all that hungry. Your stomach will remain full, but you take in next to no calories over the duration of even an entire day. 
This plan is actually worse than the facetious plans alluded to earlier as you will actually lose weight. However, it should be noted, that it won’t result in a thinner, sexier, healthier looking you. On the contrary, you’ll end up looking gaunt and sickly, essentially you start to look like L (that’s a “Death Note" reference, you should watch “Death Note”, “Death Note” is cool). 
The effects are so drastic, that even if you go back to eating three square meals a day after the four days are up, it will still take about a week before you start to develop some meat on your bones. This latter part was especially surprising. 
While wanting to lose weight sounds all well and good, you need to keep everything in perspective. Eat healthier, by all means, but don’t go to extremes. Yes, this diet will cause you to lose weight with next to no effort, but your friends and family will panic and it will take several days to get back to looking healthy. In short, cutting calories and saying no to food that is less than healthy is OK, but eating is still very important, even if the food does go right to your stomach or thighs.

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