Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Daily Dose of Awesome: The "Dethklok" Campaign

I've never played Dungeons and Dragons before, though over the past few months, I've really wanted to start playing.  This is because of an online campaign that has been played by various members of "That Guy With The Glasses".  When web personalities like Spoony and Angry Joe, as well as others got together to play the game, I had to check it out for myself.

While there is no video and you're seeing pretty much a static image for almost the entire time, these sessions are some of the most fun you will ever experience.  The story is epic, the players have come up with interesting characters, and the banter and jokes that come about over the course of these 5 hour sessions make it a blast to listen to.

The only downside is that with so many people having joined the party (at its fullest, the party has grown to 8 members), it means that there have been quite a few delays as everyone involved is rather busy.  It started off being a weekly thing, lately though, it's been a monthly endeavor at best.  Still, when it does happen, it's quite a bit of fun and it has proven to be quite popular, even to the point where it has a page on TVTropes.

Even if you've never heard of D&D, I suggest checking these videos out.  Well, the first few sessions weren't recorded, but you can play catch up fairly quickly in terms of what's going on.  I had no knowledge of the game before and now I look forward to getting my own group together so that we can partake in the long running RPG.

Because the campaign had become so unruly, Lordkat decided to start a second campaign that only has a few people so that they could have some consistent gametime.  This second campaign is referred to as Wyrmwick and it will be the topic I discuss tomorrow.

You can listen to audio recordings of the campaign here and here.

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